A direct path to connecting to your own wisdom and living the life you want.
Can you imagine breaking those mental roadblocks that stop you from having the experiences you want in life?
Can you imagine walking through life with clarity around your values, your non-negotiables, and having more of the experiences you want in life?
Guess what???…
You totally can!
Over the last few years I’ve spoken to, held workshops for, and had private sessions with, thousands of people from around the world; I’ve invested thousands of dollars in certifications,education, mindset coaches, business coaches, life coaches because I wanted to see what the best were doing to help people achieve more of what they wanted.
Now, I’m excited to bring all of that knowledge and experience to you in the form of an individual coaching program.
But before we get to the good stuff I want to know this about you…
Are you struggling with feeling any of the following?
Is your mind telling you that you’re too old; too young; not educated enough; too educated; not ready; going to fail; or that whatever it is you want to try won’t work?
Are there things you know you want to try, but you’re stuck in fear mode and you’re feeling like life is passing you by?
You’re overeating, sleeping in, over indulging in stuff you know makes you feel even worse.
You’re hanging onto something from your past that’s not letting you move forward.
Being stuck
You’re not sure which direction you should go. You know you’re not happy but you also don’t know what would make you happy.
Are you experiencing any of these things?
You are?! Good…Because I’ve got your back.

I want you to take a breath, close your eyes and imagine….
- Living with amazing clarity around who you want to be in this world and you have no hesitation when someone asks you what you want to do with your life; even if you don’t know how just yet.
- Experiencing life fully even in the face of your fears. Oh, the fear is still there, you’re just able to recognize it for what it is and move forward anyway.
- Saying “yes” to opportunities without the burden of perfection. Imagine feeling comfortable being fully you and not worrying about what other people think.
- Being part of a like-minded community that will help you co-create your experience. They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most of your time with. It’s time to elevate your game!
- Breaking the patterns of negative thoughts and emotions allowing more positive experiences to come into your life. (doesn’t that sound great?)
- Building highly productive habits that take your life to the next level no more half-hearted attempts to do something new. You’ll get the tips and tricks for habit building that the most successful people use.
You and I can work together to put you on the path to all of this.

One-on-one personal coaching experience
Your 12 week one-on-one personal coaching experience is a weekly session with me either in person here in los angeles, or via zoom video anywhere in the world. Each week you’ll walk away with specific actions to take between sessions and you’ll be added to the you experience community to aid in accountability.
These are the same strategies that moved one of my clients from being deathly afraid of heights to laying face down over the edge of the grand canyon!
The same strategies that helped another client recognize their own negative narrative about their lives, which moved them to quit the corporate world and they are now living their dreams as an award winning photographer.
The very same strategies I’ve used with leaders in 100’s of companies around the world to elevate their leadership skills and effectiveness.
And the best part, these strategies can help you improve and develop in all the key areas of your life; relationships, career, family, and health and wellness.
But, I do have to let you know that due to my limited availability I can only take on a few select clients. I choose to work with people who are ready to commit to doing things differently to get a different result.
Let me tell you how I know these strategies can work for you, because I was once in your shoes.
I was working in a job that was slowly sucking my soul dry, stuck in a relationship because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, (never mind that I was dying inside), feeling like good things were for other people and I should just be happy for them..I couldn’t bring myself to take action on the things I wanted, I was playing small and was pretty sure the good life was for everybody else.
But life has a funny way of forcing things to happen. I moved cross country to a new city, my relationship ended when he fell in love with someone else, and I realized I had to do something different but I wasn’t sure what that something different was.
So, I read every personal development book I could get my hands on, bought a ton of on-line courses, I hired the best coaches I could find, got several coaching certifications and realized that change is challenging but it is totally possible.
I have to be honest, it boggles my mind now when I meet people who are stuck, unhappy, suffering and not reaching out for help. Our lives don’t come with an instruction manual.
Think about it, if you wanted to become a champion tennis player you wouldn’t just play with your best friend who has never taken a lesson themselves and assume you could get to wimbledon. You would hire the best coach you could afford and put your heart and soul into practicing. Creating the life you want is similar, it will be next to impossible if you only talk about it with people who are just as stuck as you are.
You’ve only got one shot at this life, why not make it great? It may not be easy but it is the best journey you’ll embark on; it does take intention, curiosity, willingness and the belief that you are worth investing in.
And my friend…There is no doubt, you are absolutely worth it.
In case you’re wondering, here’s what is included:
- Direct access
- 24 hour access via text or email
- Community
- Support and community in our private facebook group
- Meditations
- 2 recorded meditations + visualization exercise
- Private access
- Private access to our recorded sessions for you to refer to later
- 12 sessions
- 12 weekly live sessions
Your sessions are co-created with you depending on what you need. Here are some topics we may cover:
- How to overcome the fears stopping you from creating the life you want
- How to create clarity in your life, relationships and career
- How to master and embrace the habits you want to create
- How to rewire how to experiment with failure like a scientist
- How to define what matters most to you and live in alignment
- How to live purposefully and in abundance
- How to write and live a better story for your life
- How to create a morning routine that sets your day on fire
- How to expand your leadership skills
- How to practice micro-passions
I’d love to talk with you to see if you’re the right fit for my personal coaching program.
You’ve got two choices…
- You can stay stuck, feel like you’re missing out on life somehow
- You can let me help you illuminate the path to the life you’ve always wanted.
It’s a simple decision that can change your life.
Which will you choose?