Thursday Thoughts (Dec. 17th Edition)
Okay, yes I coach humans and bring their patternistic ways of belief and behavior into the light so they can change them if they so choose.
But, my little fur baby, Tori needs some training too. The only time she acts up is when someone knocks on the door, or when she’s outside meeting other dogs. Over time she’s gotten worse.
This little trick is a LIFE CHANGER for both her and me! ??
Put a couple of coins in a tin can, water bottle or soda can.
(I’m using a fashionable Strawberry/Pineapple LaCroix tall)
When your dog barks, shake it a couple of times, RIGHT WHEN THEY BARK.
It will stop your pooch immediately. They’re scared of the sound.
As soon as she’s calm I give her a little love ❤️.
Between you and me…I wish there was a little can I could shake to help my clients (& me) break our patternistic thoughts in the moment. I’ll see what I can come up with.
I love this quote from the book ‘The Gift’ by Edith Eger
Lastly, I want to share something I do regularly that I think really helps me create more supportive, creative and dare I say powerful self talk.
I’ve had a practice of speaking affirmations in my morning routine for the past few years, after I read the book, ‘The Morning Miracle’ by Hal Elrod.
It’s all about creating a powerful morning routine that sets your day up for success
Now, I know, I know! It can feel totally weird to speak to ourselves affirmatively.
Why, is that?
Well, because most of us have spent our whole lives letting the trash talking abuser live in our head rent free.
But our language is generative; our language helps create our worlds.
So, what do affirmations do?
Affirmations help us fill our subconscious with positive beliefs about ourselves. And just like anything else done in repetition it helps retrain our brain.
You might have been unknowingly training your mind to allow the self-abuser roam free.
Here’s a chance to offer up different words to come into your reality.
All you have to be is WILLING to believe in them…even if you don’t believe them from the start.
I’m including one of the affirmations I use regularly to help build my self talk around confidence for you to download and experiment with.
Thanks for being here with me.
Until next week,