One phone call flipped my story!

Here in the US, it’s Thanksgiving Day. A day often spent with family or friends, eating a whole bunch of food, then loosening our pants and going back for more.

We share who and what we’re grateful for and take a few pictures to capture the moment.

There are also people out there spending this day alone. Away from family, or with no close friends around.

Jack, the social media account rep from Progressive, is someone like that. I only know that because he answered a DM I sent to @askprogressive asking for help because my claim agent ghosted me.

Two weeks ago, someone broke into my building’s “secured” garage and cut a hole the size of a loaf of bread in my convertible soft top.

I’d already shared with a couple of friend groups that my claims rep was impossible to get a hold of, and my frustrations were mounting. I was creating a terrible story about the company and was ready to tell it to anyone.

Because the phone system at Progressive does its best to connect you with your claims agent, and mine wasn’t responding, I went to Twitter.

Jack got back to me in moments.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to respond to insurance customers’ complaints on social media. But Jack is FANTASTIC at what he does.

Jack flipped my story!

One 15-minute conversation was all I needed. He heard my frustration, we talked like humans, we laughed, we shared stories, and he asked me what I was doing for Thanksgiving.

“I’m flying up to Portland,” I said, “and taking my mom out to dinner. And then flying home that night.”

Jack told me that he’ll be alone today with his three cats. His family is all in another country, and he’ll be responding to social media complaints all day.

Not everyone has the privilege of having family and friends around on this day. Jack puts so much good energy out into the world; I hope it comes back to him like a warm hug.

If I could ask one thing from you today, it would be to pick up the phone and reach out to anyone you know who might be alone.

Sometimes all it takes is a human voice on the other end of the line to flip their story.

I’m grateful and honored that you are here in my community.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.