Thursday Thoughts (Dec. 10th Edition)

We are almost there…getting ready to close out 2020…only 21 more days. I say, let’s make the most of it! 

To that end, I’ve got a couple of things that make the last few days more fun. 

I’ve had many requests for a class on creating content for the  “About Me” page for your website. 

Whether you’re a coach, consultant or solo-prenuer, talking about ourselves can be so uncomfortable!

You might be thinking…“What do I write?????”

December 19th I’m hosting a 2.5 hour class where you’ll come away with the first draft of
your About Me page. 

Through a process of questioning I’ll help you craft your own HERO origin story. 

A POWERFUL story that will help people to get to know you, like you and trust you. 

You’ll be able to share it on your website, in promotional materials, podcasts, bios, etc. 

I mean think about it…

We all know Superman’s story because of how often it’s told!!

Let’s get your own hero’s story ready for it’s debut. 

Space is limited and it’s right around the corner! 

$67 bucks saves your seat. 

(This is the first time I’m doing this and the last time it will be at this price!)

And why might I be just the right person to help you out with this? Well, first off…I’ve been a storyteller my whole life. 

When I was young I would tell stories about my home life…

to hide the truth and the shame. 

As I got older and started telling stories for a live audience. I recognized the POWER of our stories; especially, our true, personal stories. 

I’ve been teaching performance storytelling for years and hosted two popular shows in Chicago.

When the pandemic hit I started an on-line storytelling show 
from my home in Los Angeles called The Antidote.

It’s an evening of four storytellers telling true, personal, humorous stories that have nothing to do with the pandemic.

Our next show is on December 17th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET. 

Save your seat with the link below. If money is tight select $0 and it’s a free show!

Lastly, calling all COACHES!!

I created an easy to use template to capture notes on your client sessions. 

Easy breezy and pre-formatted for your use. 

Jotting down a few things about your session with your clients helps you to recall what they talked about and what your client agreed to work on between sessions. 

It’s all yours, you can print off as many as you like and have them handy for your next client call. 

Download your free PDF here!

Until next week!

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