You May Be Wealthier Than You Realize
When we talk about personal wealth, it’s often through the lens of money. But financial wealth is personal, not relative, and it’s only one slice of the overall wealth pie. I probably earned three times more last year than my mom made at her highest yearly earnings ever. But I earned far less than several […]
Create a Better Relationship with Money by Making it Your Friend
When I was a kid and my parents were still married, they would have huge arguments because my mom, who was in charge of paying the household bills, would sometimes forget to pay those bills. There times that we went without electricity or water for a day or two. My dad would get so upset […]
Coaching is a Creative Process
This blog goes out to all the newer coaches. In the beginning, new coaches are so hungry to prove their value; to know that they are really helping people. And you can do that most easily when you help your clients solve their problems. You help your client fix their problem, now you feel worthy […]
Massive Action vs. Small Daily Actions
You may have heard the call to take massive imperfect action to transform your life. You may have even done it. Perhaps you: Quit a job Started a business Ended a relationship Got married Moved across the country or to another country Emotional motivation often inspires this massive action. There’s a longing to change something […]
How Practicing Consistency Changes Everything
For the last few years, I’ve selected a word to be my thematic focus for the year. The word for this year is PLAY, and I can definitely use some more energy behind that theme. But hey, it’s only May. I’ve got some time to turn that around. My word for 2020 was CONSISTENCY. I […]
Five Tactics to Help You Ask for What You Want
I love the topic of rejection. (Does that make me weird?) It’s everywhere! And the picture of how often I avoid doing things that might lead to rejection is becoming clearer! And that damn picture is a mural! I’m in the middle of a nine-day coaching intensive with Rich Litvin, co-author of “The Prosperous Coach. […]