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The High Five Experiment

Last week I finished reading Mel Robbins’ book, “The High Five Habit.” Truthfully, I listened to it on Audible because I’m finding it hard right now to sit down and read. Anyone else? The central idea of the book is to physically high-five yourself every morning in your bathroom mirror. I’m gonna be real with […]

Want more confidence? Here’s the recipe…

Taking a quick look at my client intake forms, about 80% of the folks who set up a discovery coaching call with me share that the main thing they want to work on is their confidence.  And I hate to burst their bubble, but… You can’t talk your way into confidence. Confidence is the outcome […]


Thursday Thoughts (Nov. 26th Edition)

Hi Friends, It’s Thanksgiving here in the US where many of us normally gather with family, eat a huge meal and do our best to avoid any conversations about politics. With Covid on the rise it might be a different kind of holiday for you this year. However you are choosing to celebrate I wish […]