I’m not a can of soup, I don’t need your label
I’ve gotta tell you; I don’t like labels. When I was a kid, adults all around me thought I was smart. They told me often how smart I was, how easily I picked up on things, how I could read at a grade level much higher than the one I was in. They told me […]
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!
I’m wrapping up this series of motivation methods with perhaps one of the most important one of all…keep your eye on the prize and keep on walking. I want to share something with you. I’m writing this for myself, and if you resonate with it too, great! But today, I’m writing to my soul. Hi […]
Create the Vision you Want to Come From
August is all about motivation because, quite frankly, I need it. And if it resonates with you, GREAT! I’m writing this month about ways to get and keep myself motivated. This week is all about creating a crystal-clear vision of where you want to go. Having a vision is an essential strategy because we can […]
Live Your Life More Fully by Knowing You’re Going to Die
Some of the most motivated people I know are those that have had near-death experiences. They have what is often called mortality motivation. They know without a shadow of a doubt that their days on this earth are finite. It’s an incredibly motivating experience. Several years ago, I did a few sessions with my friend […]
What if You Don’t Feel Like Doing Something
I’m struggling to write this blog post. There I’ve said it. I wanted to write something on energy but didn’t feel like I had the energy to write it. I’m at odds with myself. I want to honor my commitment to writing a blog post every week, but damn, if I’m not having a hard […]
Abundance Only Works If You’re Willing to Receive it
What have you forgotten to receive? I blinked a couple of times after hearing that question. I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. Then Ken Honda, Japan’s most well-known financial educator, went on to explain that sometimes we get so focused on a few areas of our lives that we forget to look for and […]